Collaborate respectfully and in solidarity to catalyse regional action to address statelessness and promote equal nationality and dignified citizenship.
No person is stateless and each person can exercise the right to equal nationality and can live with dignity in the Asia Pacific region.

• Strengthen solidarity amongst civil society organisations and activists working on statelessness and the right to equal nationality.
• Support global, regional, national, and local advocacy initiatives on the right to equal nationality, dignified citizenship, and addressing statelessness.
• Enhance the awareness of the statelessness problem and the efforts to address the same.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee of SDCC-AP has seven members representing all five sub-regions of Asia Pacific. The Steering Committee was formed in January 2024 with a mandate of two years since the date of the launch of the Coalition. The Coalition was launched on February 29, 2024.
SDCC-AP is currently hosted by Nationality For All (NFA) which also acts as the Secretariat of the Coalition. NFA is a regional organization working to address statelessness and promote the right to nationality in the Asia Pacific. NFA facilitated the formation process of SDCC-AP. The Founding Members of the Coalition decided to appoint NFA as the Secretariat organization for two years from the date of the launch of the Coalition.
To learn more about NFA, please visit https://nationalityforall.org/
To learn more about the role of the Secretariat and other organs of the Coalition, please go to this page (include the link to the Structure page).